Getting the ktis ready for Kenya

Days for Girls is an international group that makes and distributes menstrual health options that are sustainable to girls who would otherwise be absent from school during their monthly periods. The organization began in 2008 when its founder realized girls in an orphanage in Nairobi were missing school because they could not afford feminine hygiene products. Her initial response was to obtain donations of disposable sanitary pads, but this is not a sustainable solution and there was no way to dispose of the pads. This led to the development of creating washable, reusable pads in a personal kit so the girls could continue their education with dignity and hygiene.

Presenting Sue with the DfG kits

One chapter of DfG learned of St. Clare Centre and invited Sue Ozar to speak to the group. The chapter then provided Sue and Bud with kits for the girls at St. Clare Centre, which the Ozars brought with them on their recent trip there.

Pictured here are members of the Michigan group presenting FOKO with the kits to take to Kenya.