Getting the courtyard cleaned

During the Christmas break Father Riwa and the staff at St. Clare Centre encourage students to return to their villages if it is safe for them.  They require a member of their extended family to come for them and to promise to return them in January.  About half of the girls remained at St. Clare because it is not safe or they no longer have even an extended family in their village.

St. Clare girls sing at Christmas Midnight Mass

For the children who remained at St. Clare for the Christmas holidays, activities range from cleaning St. Clare to fun activities. Father and the staff make it special with an egg, oranges and a meal with pork each week.  Games, sports and hikes were also organized.  Unfortunately, this terrible drought has exhausted St. Clare’s resources and so they cannot do as much for these children as they usually do.  However, they are safe here at St. Clare.  Of course, on Christmas they celebrated a midnight Mass with joyful singing and dancing and enjoy porridge after Mass.

Girls creating Christmas cards