St. Clare girls at the newly dedicated Life Skills Centre

August 15, 2016, was a special day at St. Clare Centre for Girls for several reasons.  On this day, the St Francis boys and St Clare girls joined forces in prayer for their benefactors.  In addition, this is the day St. Clare celebrated the completion and dedication of the St. Clare Girls’ Skills Centre.  Father Riwa’s dream has long been to build and develop a “home craft centre” for girls; now this is a reality.  Within a short time, St. Clare young women will be mastering the very marketable skill of tailoring In addition, the nursery school “side” of Skills Centre will be a place for young St. Clare girls to learn how to take care of little children.

Father Riwa says, “I thank God for FOKO’s continuous support of St. Clare.  May God grant them the physical and spiritual strength to carry on living for others.”