St. Clare girls working hard in class

During this Lenten season, reflection and renewal and sacrifice in light of the Gospel direct our spiritual growth and help us put our blessings in perspective.  Because so many have shared their blessings, the girls at St. Clare Centre for Girls have hope for a future in which they can blossom and grow.  Though abandoned and orphaned, St. Clare Centre keeps them safe and healthy.  During this Lent, we reach out on behalf of these vulnerable young women.  This Lent, as in the past, we reach out for support.  Gaining sponsorships for the 120 girls at St. Clare who do not have sponsors is our 2017 Lenten theme.  An individual, a family, a group can sponsor a child for $500 annually.  (Sponsorships can be paid annually, monthly, quarterly.)  However, any contribution to FOKO Lent 2017 is a blessing for the children and greatly appreciated. 

Girls at St. Clare enjoying time outside

Below is Father Riwa's 2017 Lenten Letter.

Father Riwa

My Dear Sponsors and Supporters of needy children,

I have the joy to send you our hearty greetings and gratitude from the Children's Village. I believe you had enriching Christmas and New Year celebrations. We thank God for your merciful hearts that from thousands of miles away you are transforming the lives of the orphaned girls in St. Clare Girls Centre. 

Your prayers and financial support allows the girls of St. Clare to grow and shine spiritually, intellectually and physically.  I am so encouraged that we do not have any health issues, as the girls are well fed and, once again in last year's national exam, St. Clare is ranked the best school in our district.  We say, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

As the Mother Church brings us to the 2017 Lenten period, of PRAYER, FASTING and ALMS GIVING, we assure you we shall continue lifting you in our prayers with only one intention, that the Lord will do miracles in your lives and bless you in all your endeavors, as you continue blessing us.


In Faith, Hope, and Love,

Fr. Francis Limo Riwa