Dear Friend of Kenyan Orphans,

We’d like to share an update on the devastating two-year drought that has taken a severe toll on Kenya and the children that we support there.

Fortunately, the long rains came last November and December and softened the hard, parched earth. This allowed for planting of maize in January, and the seedlings are beginning to grow in the warm sun. Now we depend on the short night rains of March and April to give enough water for the maize to grow and reach maturity. If those rains do not come, the maize will once again shrivel and die. We live in hope because maize is the main food source for the girls. We’re asking that you join us this Lent in praying for the rains to provide relief for Kenya.

We’re happy to report some great news from Fr. Riwa about our St. Clare girls: The students in class 8 and Form 4 completed the week long national exams last November. The scores were recently announced, and St. Clare is the number one school in their district!  This gives us confidence we are doing good things for these girls at St. Clare, as these “throw away” girls are becoming scholars.

They, as well as we, are grateful and proud to make the most of the opportunities you help to provide, as these girls graduate as educated young women, positioned to make a difference in their villages, and for Kenya.

This lent we ask you to help us to give the simple gift of bread to the children.

Many years ago, we received a gift of a used oven. It stopped functioning, and because of its age, we have not been able to purchase the parts needed for repair. Our request is simple, but important: we need to raise the funds necessary to purchase a new oven and provide these children with a piece of bread with their cup of porridge in the morning.  They so appreciate and look forward to it!

During this Lenten season, we continue to hold you in prayer each day. We realize you are the angels the Lord has sent to save these girls. Without you, they would have no future. Thank you for walking this mission of love with us.

Bud and Sue Ozar, on behalf of Friends of Kenyan Orphans