We pick Lilian’s story up in 2018.  Fr. Francis Riwa, determined to free Lilian, negotiated with the elders of the Samburu community to break the marriage. This had NEVER been accomplished before. Father followed Samburu tradition negotiating back and forth until the husband accepted animals and a fine as payment to free Lilian. The REDEMPTION ceremony presided over by the Samburu elders, involving Father Riwa and Lilian, happened on August 23, 2018.

Lilian is just one of many teenage girls who have their childhoods taken from them, leaving them with a dark and grim future. They are viewed as a means to acquire wealth. St. Clare Centre is a place of rescue and redemption for these girls. About 1/3 of the children at St. Clare have come from the Samburu region. As a centre, “We propose to rescue more girls giving them a chance to be empowered. All the children are equal and should be accorded equal opportunities.

St. Clare Centre is able to continue this life saving mission to rescue girls through the generous support of compassionate donors to FRIENDS OF KENYAN ORPHANS.

This video shows the highlights of this amazing story of redemption.