Simon (L), Liam (R) competing at Catholic Challenge
(Moderator-Michael- far right)

Liam and Simon are fourteen-year-old high school freshmen. Liam enjoys his history and theology classes while Simon likes biology, math and theology. Both young men have a variety of outside interests ranging from fencing epee, listening to and composing music, writing teen novels, (Liam) playing basketball, being a Life Rank Boy Scout, reading and sleeping, of course (Simon)!!. When Living Bread Radio aired a commercial for the teen version of Catholic Challenge, Liam was interested in the challenge and discovered his friend, Simon, was too. They became partners.

The two boys chose Friends of Kenyan Orphans as their Catholic organization because of Evie Gerber, the daughter of Dr. Chad Gerber of Walsh University. When Evie died tragically in 2015, her family asked that all donations in her name go to FOKO. Liam says, “We decided it would be fitting that we follow suit."  Simon notes, “It just seemed like a right thing to do- support a cause in Evie’s name.” They went on to say that FOKO was Evie’s favorite charity and that she had a deep empathy for abandoned/orphaned children.

Congratulations Liam and Simon for both your knowledge of Catholic teachings and your clear grasp of the Gospel challenge of caring for the poor.